Cookies policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text element that is saved on your device when you visit our website Cookies allow the website to remember information about your browsing on the website for a while and to recognize you the next time you visit the website, implement some website functions, and monitor customer browsing on the website. All this allows us to provide you with the opportunity to use the website comfortably and help make the website even more convenient and friendly for its’ users.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to:

  • ensure the functionality of the website’s main services;
  • make the website more convenient;
  • collect information about the use of the website;
  • provide the opportunity to use integration with social networks.

What kind of cookies do we use?

  • The necessary cookies: these cookies are necessary for our website to function. Without them, we simply would not be able to provide you with the services for which you visited the website in the first placd. Cookies are also used to determine whether you have consented to cookies being stored on your devices.
  • The statistical cookies: these cookies enable us to find out from which advertising or search engine you came to our website and also to calculate how many visitors we receive during a certain period of time.
  • Social network cookies: these cookies will give you the opportunity to write a review on our website using the Facebook commenting function or to share the content of the website that you like with your friends on social media networks.
  • The session cookies are set per session, i.e. they are stored until you close your browser. Session cookies are not stored on your device’s hard drive. Persistent cookies are stored on your device until you delete them or until their storage period expires, but no longer than one year.

On what basis do we use cookies?

  • By using necessary cookies, we rely on our legitimate interest to ensure the functionality of the website and the services provided on it.
  • When using statistics and social media network cookies, we rely on your consent, so we use these cookies only after obtaining consent. However, if you do not consent to the use of cookies, some features of the website may not function or not function properly.

How to manage the cookies?

You can manage and delete cookies using your browser settings. You can delete all cookies saved on your device and use other settings of your browser, for example, prevent websites from saving cookies on your device. You can access more useful information at However, please note that in this case, you may need to manually change some options each time you visit the website, and some services and functions may not function.

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